We are delighted to announce the 20th anniversary of ECO MEDICS AG.

In September 1999, ECO MEDICS AG was founded in Dürnten, Switzerland. In the same year, the first generation of the ANALYZER CLD was already presented at the international ERS congress in Madrid. Two years later, the market introduction of the EXHALYZER® D took place. The following years were marked by the receival of the CE MDD approval for both instruments.

Another big milestone was achieved with the product launch of the SPIROWARE® Software, a sophisticated software for the analysis, evaluation and documentation of comprehensive pulmonary function tests.

In 2012, the EXHALYZER® D was complemented with nitrogen washout tests and the Clinical Trials Network of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS-CTN) chose the EXHALYZER® D as reference instrument for lung clearance index (LCI) measurements. Since then, the EXHALYZER® D has been used in numerous pharmaceutical studies. Today ECO MEDICS is proud to offer one product combining pulmonary function tests for infants, pre-school children and adults.

Please follow this link to read more about our products.